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Course Description
Fast Track to ColdFusion 10 is a 3-day course that provides experienced Web developers with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to start building and maintaining dynamic and interactive Web applications using ColdFusion 10.
To gain the most from the class, you should already have:
- A familiarity with web terminology.
- An understanding of web server characteristics.
- Experience with the HTML tag set and syntax.
- Familiarity with the SQL command set, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Who Should Use ColdFusion?
ColdFusion is designed for web developers who build dynamic websites and Internet applications.
Java developers can rapidly build Java EE–based web applications using Adobe ColdFusion Standard (2016 release). Tight and bidirectional integration with Java lets you invoke Java from ColdFusion and vice versa.
Mobile app developers will love the way ColdFusion lets them easily and quickly develop, test, debug, and deploy applications across multiple devices with minimum effort.
Developers who have just started developing applications for the web can benefit from the ColdFusion productivity features as well as its intuitive scripting and tag-based language, CFML.
Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Course Outlines
Lesson 1: Course Overview
Lesson 3: Publishing Database Content
Lesson 5: Building Search Interfaces
Lesson 2: Getting Started with ColdFusion
Lesson 4: Building Forms with ColdFusion
Lesson 6: Building a Drill-Down Interface
Lesson 8: Updating Data
Lesson 10: Securing an Application
Lesson 7: Inserting New Data
Lesson 9: Reusing Templates

Price valid till 30th Mar 2023
$ 799
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