This class is a continuation of the concepts covered in Captivate Essentials - An Introduction to Captivate. In this course you will fine-tune those concepts by learning about object styles, master slides, themes and advanced actions. You will be able to personalize your presentations with variables and branching scenarios that will help decide the best path for the learner. You will learn to make your presentations Section 508-compliant with accessibility text and closed captions. Finally, you will learn how to transform your presentations from eLearning to mLearning (mobile learning).
A practical working knowledge of Mac OS X or Windows
Captivate Essentials - An Introduction to Captivate class or equivalent experience
Who Should Use Captivate?
Corporate training professionals, educators, instructional designers, and all types of business users with limited programming capabilities who want to create product demos, application simulations, soft skill and compliance training, and mobile learning. Also educators and trainers who are currently using PowerPoint and need to add interactivity to their training materials.
Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.
Course Outlines
Lesson 1: A Review of Essential Skills
Plan eLearning Projects
Check Captivate¹s Recording Settings
Rehears a Script
Record a Custom Simulation
Edit a Text Capture Template
Lesson 3: Custom Styles, Branching and Aggregating