This Course is for everybody new to C4D. It will take you through the basics of Cinema 4D, and will allow you to start using it to create your first projects from start to finish. We will also talk about general 3D concepts that will give you a better understanding of the underlying technology.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone that seeks to learn Cinema 4D from scratch, from any industry and discipline.
Practical working knowledge of Mac OS X or Windows
Basic understanding of Photoshop and Illustrator would be beneficial
Course Outlines
Lesson 1: Basics
Cineware in Adobe After Effects - Launching C4D & C4D Lite
Lesson 3: Generators
Modeling generators
Lesson 5: Texturing
Creating a material
Projection modes
Restricting materials to a selection
Dealing with alphas
Lesson 7: Rendering
Cineware in AE - Render Settings for C4D
Rendering for "x" (print, video, etc)
Dof / Motion blur
Lesson 9: Customizing C4D
Creating a custom layout
Modifying shortcuts
Preferences vs. Scene Settings
Creating a custom start .c4d file
Lesson 2: Splines
Importing vector art from Photoshop and Illustrator